BeagleBone vs. Arduino - Which Single Board Computer is Better?

October 12, 2021

BeagleBone vs. Arduino

Single board computers have made it possible for anyone with an interest in programming and electronics to create a wide range of embedded systems. Two of the most popular single board computers in the market are the BeagleBone and the Arduino.

In this article, we will compare BeagleBone and Arduino in terms of speed, memory, connectivity, community support and compatibility, and highlight which single board computer is better.


For any embedded system, the speed of the microcontroller is an important factor to consider. BeagleBone's microcontroller has a 1GHz ARM Cortex-A8 processor, while Arduino's microcontroller ranges between 8-168MHz depending on the model. In terms of raw number crunching, BeagleBone emerges as the clear winner.


Embedded systems are becoming more complex with the introduction of new technologies. Therefore, the memory of the microcontroller is becoming an essential factor. BeagleBone comes with 512MB of DDR3 RAM, while Arduino Uno has 2KB of RAM. With such a significant gap, BeagleBone is the better choice for memory-intensive applications.


The ability to communicate with other devices is essential for embedded systems. BeagleBone has built-in Ethernet, HDMI, USB host and client, and an SD card reader. Whereas, Arduino has fewer connectivity options, with some models only having USB connectivity, while others might include Ethernet or WiFi shields. In terms of connectivity, BeagleBone is the clear winner.

Community Support and Compatibility

One of the most significant advantages of single board computers is the availability of a strong community of developers. The community provides support, libraries, and open-source software, which reduces the development cost and accelerates the time to market. BeagleBone and Arduino have active and supportive communities. However, Arduino's community is larger, making it easier for users to find resources and information online. Arduino wins in terms of community support.


Both BeagleBone and Arduino have their unique advantages and disadvantages. If speed, memory, and connectivity are top priorities and cost is not an issue, then BeagleBone is the way to go. But if compatibility and community support are crucial factors, then Arduino should be the choice.


  1. "BeagleBone -" BeagleBoard.Org,,
  2. "Arduino - Home." Arduino, Arduino,

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